How to iterate through all the properties of a class in C#

How to iterate through all the properties of a class in C#? Use Reflection. And there are some differences between iterating through a instance of a class and iterating through a static class.

Here are the examples:

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Learning
    class Inspector
        static void Main()
            A a = new A() { PropA = "A", PropB = "B", PropC = "C" };
            Console.WriteLine("Information of A:");
            Console.WriteLine("Information of B:");

        private static void InspectObject(T o)
            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in o.GetType().GetProperties())
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(o, null));

        private static void InspectObject()
            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in typeof(T).GetProperties())
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(typeof(T), null));

    class A
        public string PropA { get; set; }
        public string PropB { get; set; }
        public string PropC { get; set; }

    class B
        public static string PropA { get { return "A"; } }
        public static string PropB { get { return "B"; } }
        public static string PropC { get { return "C"; } }



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