震惊!Oracle 收购了 Sun!


今天在公司,电脑上没有 Eclipse,于是打开浏览器,输入 www.sun.com,准备去下载。页面出现后,和我期待的熟悉的 Sun 的主页界面不一样,我一看左上角,竟然是 Oracle!我一开始想,怎么搞的,网址输错了。再一检查,发现没错,于是我一惊,难道Sun被Oracle收购了?




Oracle and Sun

Sun Customers

On January 27, 2010, Oracle announced it finalized its acquisition of Sun.

This combination transforms the IT industry. With the addition of servers, storage, SPARC processors, the Solaris operating system, Java, and the MySQL database to Oracle's portfolio of database, middleware, and business applications, we plan to engineer and deliver open and integrated systems—from applications to disk—where all the pieces fit and work together out of the box. Each layer of the stack will be architected to improve performance, leverage innovation and centralize management so that IT will be more predictable, more supportable, and more secure. Customers will benefit as their system performance, reliability and security goes up and their system integration and management costs go down.


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